OML - Odda Magazine Limited
OML stands for Odda Magazine Limited
Here you will find, what does OML stand for in Publishing under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Odda Magazine Limited? Odda Magazine Limited can be abbreviated as OML What does OML stand for? OML stands for Odda Magazine Limited. What does Odda Magazine Limited mean?The Publishing company falls under publishing category and is located in Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire.
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Alternative definitions of OML
- Ontology Markup Language
- Object Manipulation Language
- Operations Management License
- Open Meeting Law
- Order of Merit List
- Oil Mining Licence
- Outside Mold Line
- Optimization and Modeling Library
View 59 other definitions of OML on the main acronym page
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- OPL Outdoor Pride Landscaping
- OWMG On the Water Media Group
- OHBP OH Boy Productions
- OCC Orange Commercial Credit
- OGC Open Golf Club
- OTS Orion Technology Services
- ORP Old Republic Professional
- OLISA Outside Living Industries S.A.
- OMC Occupational Medical Consulting
- OCSAI OCS America Inc
- OCL Open Cosmos Ltd.
- OACG One Arrow Consulting Group
- OCC Orange Clove Catering
- OTTFG OTT Financial Group
- OTTW One Twenty Three West
- OO Open to Opportunities